
Blu di Langa – 1 kg wheel


$7.54/100 gr

This is a mixed milk blue cheese from the Langhe Region in Piemonte.

The beautiful marbling of Blu di Langa, is obtained by piercing the cheese to oxygenate it, allowing the moulds to develop and grow. The result is a surprisingly delicate contrast between the sweetness and the softness of the paste and the roughness of the marbling with its mushroomy flavours.

This blue cheese is characterized with a white, soft texture and blue/green veins and a sweet by tangy taste.

Pair it with a glad of red wine, or use it as a cooking condiment for pasta, risotto and part of your charcuterie board.

This is a pre-order cheese and waiting period to receive it is approximately 2 weeks.

Code: RO120

Product: Blu di langa

Supplier: Altalanga

Size: Approximately 1 kg piece

Order in: wheels

Case Size: NA

Shelf Life: 55 days


Please consider that when ordering pieces, the size of each piece can have a slight variation.

Since you will be paying per gram price, please consider that there may be minimal variation, usually of around 10-20 grams. If there are any larger modifications in grams we will contact you to advise you before shipping the product to you.


Weight N/A
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm

1 kg

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